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Possible triggers for IBS symptoms: stress, menstruation and diet. Diet is the most common precipitating or exacerbating factor in IBS. Most patients state that their IBS symptoms are related to the foods they consume. In many parts of the world, the low-FODMAP diet is the accepted dietary treatment for IBS.

The Low FODMAP Diet is effective in reducing IBS symptoms and produces the greatest gains in the short term. It reduces symptoms and improves quality of life in individuals with IBS. This diet provides relief from gastrointestinal symptoms by reducing the fermentable load in the colon to reduce gas production and luminal distension. Additionally, the low FODMAP diet is not an avoidance diet per se, but a diagnostic tool. It helps you discover your trigger foods.

Consultancy Details

In my consultancy system, I first learn the details of the person's disease symptoms and the nutritional process. In the name of diet management, I provide special forms/tests to monitor stool and gas, bloating and abdominal pain. We schedule an appointment after the person submits the survey form. This is our first meeting. If it is suitable for the person, we start the Low FODMAP Diet together. We continue to have regular meetings every week. In this process, we monitor the bowel status through a daily form. After applying the full diet for approximately the first 4 weeks, we move on to the phase of trying foods individually, step by step.

Consultancy Contents;

1- Low FODMAP Diet Sample Shopping File

2- Functional Medicine Notes

3- Follow-up Quality of Life and Nutrition Diary Form

4- IBS Guide

5- Low FODMAP Diet Prohibitions/Free Foods File

6- Personalized Supplement Usage File

What is the Low FODMAP Diet?

In general, it is the exclusion of certain types of carbohydrates from the diet that foster bacterial growth. FODMAPs are a large class of indigestible carbohydrates containing only 1-10 sugars, defined by their molecular size, small intestine absorbent properties, and fermentability. FODMAPs are common in a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, wheat and grain groups, milk and dairy products, legumes, and sweeteners. The low FOMDAP diet restricts dietary intake of these carbohydrates with the goal of improving IBS symptoms overall. Foods are classified as “high FODMAP” and “low FODMAP”. A diet particularly low in FODMAPs has been shown to be effective and safe in the IBS population.

Specialist Physician Melike PEKCAN- IBS and Low FODMAP Dietitian

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