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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most common functional gastrointestinal disorder worldwide.
It is one of the disorders. Individuals with IBS have a lower quality of life compared to healthy people.

Various pharmacological therapies are available to improve IBS symptoms; However, many patients prefer not to use medication and alternative approaches are coming to the fore. The majority of patients associate IBS symptoms with the foods they consume. Diet is the most important factor affecting patients' lives. However, some foods may trigger or provide relief from symptoms.


Healthy diet and lifestyle advice should only be given by a healthcare professional with expertise in dietary management in IBS. While general recommendations include regular meals and adequate water consumption, alcohol, caffeine, soda and spicy foods should be limited, as they are potential dietary triggers for this disease. Additionally, individuals with low physical activity should be encouraged to increase their physical activity. Good eating habits and regular meal consumption are important in IBS, which can support health status. Patients with IBS are advised to take time for meals, not to skip meals, to eat sitting down, to chew food thoroughly, and not to consume meals late at night.

(I am sharing information with you from my published article.)


Özyürek F, Pekcan KM. Dietary therapy and nutritional supplements as a treatment approach in irritable bowel syndrome. Ersoy G, editor. Current Nutritional Approaches to Gastrointestinal Problems. 1st Edition. Ankara: Türkiye Clinics; 2023. p.57-63 .



•Oily Stool (Pancreatic Enzyme Deficiency)

•Vitamin A, D, E, K, Omega 3 Deficiency

•Low Weight (Poor Absorption, Diarrhea, Nausea)

Nutrient Absorption and Intolerance Problems

•Systemic Diseases (Skin Diseases, Neurological-Autoimmune Diseases)


•Carbohydrate Fiber Intolerance

Bloating After Meals

•B12, Iron, Vitamin D Deficiency

•Leaky Gut

•Bloating, Gas

•Burping, Nausea, Indigestion

•Stomach ache

•Diarrhea, Constipation Or Mix

•Leaky Gut

•Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

•Chronic Fatigue

•Brain Fog

•Weakness- Weight Loss

•Anxiety, Anxiety

•Histamine Intolerance Symptoms

Citrus Fruits
Citrus Fruits


According to the latest published clinical guidance, a short-term trial of the low-FODMAP diet is recommended to prevent general symptoms of IBS. In approximately 70% of IBS patients, bloating and pain are triggered by FODMAP foods.

Because FODMAPs are not fully absorbed in the small intestine, they retain water and ferment through microbial fermentation in the colon, leading to the production of gas and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) accompanied by luminal distension and abnormal motility .

Green Juices

The Low FODMAP Diet is the proven diet plan for managing IBS.

Patients across all subtypes of IBS patients reported being more satisfied with their stool consistency when following the low-FODMAP diet.

Removal of FODMAPs from the diet of IBS patients resulted in significant improvement in gastrointestinal symptoms in 68-86% of individuals.

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